New Drafting Table
Yes, a new drafting table is in my future. I am looking to build one though, as the cost of buying this beast is a bit spendy. I figure I can get something very similar for around $200 in materials. We’ll see though.
Yes, a new drafting table is in my future. I am looking to build one though, as the cost of buying this beast is a bit spendy. I figure I can get something very similar for around $200 in materials. We’ll see though.
A few weeks ago, I get an email request for a larger cutting board for a Christmas gift. Having not really produced anything from the shop in almost a year, I was hesitant to take the job. In the end, I did it, and I am happy I did. They were elated with the end result, as was I. I say ‘as was I’ because while I built the one custom order, I made one for myself. To tell the truth, I had been wanting … Read more
Click and share if you wish! Please do spread the word. And on that note, I have to say I spent a sick amount of money this year doing online shopping for the holidays. After I wrapped up the spending spree, I realized I am missing the boat here. I had been selling my handmade items on Etsy, but have not had a single thing listed there for close to a year. I have some 75 handmade pens sitting in boxes, and they certainly … Read more
For as long as I can remember, shopping the Friday after Thanksgiving has been something I have always taken part of. It seems that it’s just a part of the Holiday season or something. I am not very ‘anal’ about it though, as I am not out the door, standing in line to get one of 50 DVD players for $3.88. No, I am a casual Black Friday shopper. I get up, shower, eat some breakfast, and I’m out the door around 10:ish. The last … Read more
Well, It’s been about a week since I so firmly boasted that I would be writing in NaNoWriMo again this year. I made it just a few days before I pooped out. I know. I suck. It’s honestly ok. I am ok with it. I am just starting a new job, and i really need to focus on that. I found myself disregarding work thoughts in lieu for writing/story thoughts. Unfortunately, I NEED to focus on work right now. If I had started the new job a … Read more
Here it is, November 4th, and I have yet to start my NaNoWriMo project yet. Part of me wants to skip this year, but I have been participating since 2002, and I feel that this being my 10th year of trying this wacky writing thing, I should give it my best effort. The thing is, I have a new job that I started last week, and I have a handful of “honey-do” items to get done before the in-laws come for Christmas. As for he … Read more
About a month ago, I stumbled across a video on Yahoo, where some chef with a pretty bad Italian accent was making Osso Buco. He was quite entertaining, so I watched the 10 minute video. I am so glad I did. The meal looked wonderful. I mean I could taste the flavors through my computer monitor, it looked so good. I mentioned this to my wife, and she was like “sure thing dear. We can make that some time”. A few weeks later, I mentioned it to … Read more
Today, October 15th, I vow to write every day in my blog. What I write may not be of any importance, but I will be going through the motions, and forming a habit. The content will vary from work related mumblings, to aspirations of my writing projects. They may also encompass the varied post about the family or, dare I say it, politics. Most likely not politics, but why knows which way the wind might blow. The whole purpose of this is to continue to … Read more