What to write…

Here it is, November 4th, and I have yet to start my NaNoWriMo project yet.  Part of me wants to skip this year, but I have been participating since 2002, and I feel that this being my 10th year of trying this wacky writing thing, I should give it my best effort.  The thing is, I have a new job that I started last week, and I have a handful of “honey-do” items to get done before the in-laws come for Christmas.

As for he honey-do items, they can wait until December 1st, as I would still have 20 some days before they arrive.  As for the job, I could balance that and writing, but I just need to focus a bit.  I just don’t know what to write on.  I have a TON of stories ideas and starters I have developed over the years, and there is one in particular that is very interesting, but I am not sure that I “am in to it” right now.  I know it is a weak excuse, but I feel if I am not feeling the story right, I will ruin whatever chance the story has to become if I gave it me all.

Anyway, my goal will be to write 1,666 words a day, for the entire month.  Seeing as today is the 4th, I would need to write 6,664 words by end or day to catch up.  To write that much on my day one, on something I am not feeling is so not going to happen.  I suppose if I could just sit and write for say, and hour to start.  See where I am and how i am feeling then, I might make something happen.  All I need to do today is get a start.  Once a story is started, and my mind is in the right place, I should be able to ferment more ideas in the non-writing times, and hit it harder the next day.  Here’s to thinking that is the right path, eh?

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