New Year, New Decade

Here we are, venturing into the next decade, and I, for one, am quite ready. Happy New Year to you and yours. As you may recall, my writing life got tossed upside down when my family and I moved from Colorado to Arizona in mid-2018. Well, we’ve made another move mid-year of 2019, and so, my writing had continued to be put on hold. When we first moved to AZ, we rented a house in a part of the Phoenix metro area that we thought … Read more

Work In Progress: Jacked

paul b kohler, paul kohler, jacked, short story, near future, amnesia, mind control, brain implant, sci-fi, science fiction, bestselling author, best selling, faraday cage, herion, rape, drug addict, black ops, special forces, top secret, covert operative, under cover

The life of a writer is full of distractions. If it’s not the day job, it’s the home life. It seems that any time I have a chunk of time blocked out for writing, something inevitably comes up and eats away at my writing production. Most recently, I’ve been trying to juggle a little too much. In addition to my day job in architecture, I’ve been focussing on my blog here, redefining my reader’s group, as well as ramping up my social media presence. All … Read more

Linear Shift and Beyond

I have some strange feelings lingering about next week. Linear Shift, Part 4 will release on Tuesday. Part 4 will be the conclusion to my attempt at a serialized novel, which I began on September 19th, 2013. It certainly has been an adventure, and I’m not sure I would do it quite the same way again. When I first planned the Linear Shift project, I intended to write the first 13,000 word part, then follow up with three additional parts, spaced three to four months … Read more

My 2013 year in review

What a year, 2013 has been to me and my family. To start off, I registered for a few online writing classes that were a Christmas gift. I had contemplated taking some classes many times, but I have always put off doing so for one reason or another. The results of those classes remain a mixed bag, as the site I went with was more of a user driven experience, and really didn’t “teach” you anything. I can pick up a book and read it … Read more

Weekend Recap, and Some Good News

On Saturday, me and the family took in a show. It was Gravity, and we saw it in Imax. It was pretty darn good. Ok, ok. It was great! The cinematography was phenomenal. The acting, I thought, was pretty believable. It was an ‘edge of your seat’ movie, and I am certainly happy that we paid the extra to see in 3D. Totally worth it. On that note, when did movies get so damn expensive? For my family of 3 to go to the show, … Read more

What a Crazy Month!

Today is the last day of the month. It’s been a crazy month, to say the least. Here’s a quick recap: First, I celebrated the anniversary of my birth. Until them scientist can change how aging works, I gained a year in the age category. I have now been on this earth for 43 years. I can remember when I was young, around 11 or 12, that I so wanted to be my parents age. They would have made them 34 or 35 then. What … Read more

It’s a Sloppy Joe story, after all

Many years ago, the wife and I had a favorite Sloppy Joe mix that we would occasionally have for a quick meal.  It was also a cheap fix, so it was all good.  I would guess about 8 or so years ago, they stopped selling our preferred brand at any of our local stores.  It was called Not-So-Sloppy-Joe by Hormel.  We looked everywhere, but not in Colorado anymore.  We tried a few other brands, and they were just horrible.  so, we have been on a Sloppy Joe hiatus ever … Read more