Work In Progress: Jacked

paul b kohler, paul kohler, jacked, short story, near future, amnesia, mind control, brain implant, sci-fi, science fiction, bestselling author, best selling, faraday cage, herion, rape, drug addict, black ops, special forces, top secret, covert operative, under cover

The life of a writer is full of distractions. If it’s not the day job, it’s the home life. It seems that any time I have a chunk of time blocked out for writing, something inevitably comes up and eats away at my writing production. Most recently, I’ve been trying to juggle a little too much. In addition to my day job in architecture, I’ve been focussing on my blog here, redefining my reader’s group, as well as ramping up my social media presence. All … Read more

Story Fuel: Planet Nine

planet nine, planet 9, solar system, space, science fiction

As a fan of all thing’s science, I regularly peruse the Popular Science website, among other notable scientific based platforms. I’ll skim the headlines and if something jumps out at me, I’ll read it. Otherwise, I continue my path of knowledge seeking adventure. It’s High Adventure, let me tell you! Monday afternoon was no different. I came across this grabby headline—Planet Nine might not actually be a planet—and knew I had to read it.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to? First thoughts … WTF? Do … Read more