Pre-Order: Get Jacked Today

After a FAR FAR longer break than I’d ever expected, my next publication is up for Pre-Order! I am beyond excited. The title is Jacked, and here’s a short blurb: She can’t remember her today, but her yesterday will never be forgotten. When recovering addict Ava Blake awakens with more than just a mild case of amnesia, she’s unsure if the procedure performed on her was against her will, or—even worse—her own idea. They say that with time, her memories will return. But, will they be … Read more

Dog Days of Summer

Hey, readers! I know it’s been a hot minute since I last posted anything. Good news, I’m here today to rectify that! “So, what’s new?” “Not much, and you?” “About the same. Glad we had this talk.” Yeah, it’s been like that since we’ve been cooped up in the house for the past 1,728 hours, plus or minus a few minutes. In the meantime, my day job took an extended leave of absence, and we had to cancel a vacation. And to be honest, I’m … Read more

Work In Progress: Jacked

paul b kohler, paul kohler, jacked, short story, near future, amnesia, mind control, brain implant, sci-fi, science fiction, bestselling author, best selling, faraday cage, herion, rape, drug addict, black ops, special forces, top secret, covert operative, under cover

The life of a writer is full of distractions. If it’s not the day job, it’s the home life. It seems that any time I have a chunk of time blocked out for writing, something inevitably comes up and eats away at my writing production. Most recently, I’ve been trying to juggle a little too much. In addition to my day job in architecture, I’ve been focussing on my blog here, redefining my reader’s group, as well as ramping up my social media presence. All … Read more