Weekend Recap, and Some Good News

LS2-cvr-medOn Saturday, me and the family took in a show. It was Gravity, and we saw it in Imax. It was pretty darn good. Ok, ok. It was great! The cinematography was phenomenal. The acting, I thought, was pretty believable. It was an ‘edge of your seat’ movie, and I am certainly happy that we paid the extra to see in 3D. Totally worth it.

On that note, when did movies get so damn expensive? For my family of 3 to go to the show, including snacks and drink, was nearly $80 bucks. Seriously? Yes, I know it was Imax, and we certainly could have forgone the snack part, but still… That was an expensive matinee show. And until this trip, we have been reluctant to buy the Stubs card from AMC. We bought it before the show, and after $100 bucks spent, we get $10 bucks back. We are nearly there, just after 1 show. The more expensive movies get, the more that card actually makes sense.

On Saturday night, we celebrated an informal Novel Kickoff Party. We actually had it scheduled for a week earlier, to coincide with my FREE sale on Amazon, but seeing as my mother passed the week before, there was a serious scheduling conflict for that Saturday.

Anyway, we went to a exorbitantly overpriced Italian restaurant and had a great time. I say overpriced in jest, as there were 6 of us, and we had enough food for 12. At least… We had left over last night, and will have left over again tonight.

Sunday was spent refining my outline a bit for Part 2 of Linear Shift, and then attempt some actual writing on the manuscript. Good news is that I actually got the first scene laid down! It’s still in rough draft form, and I need to go through it again later, but the first scene of 17 planned is out! It’s not really the first scene of the book, but the third over all. I just started there, because the first 2 scenes need some research and planning before I can take a shot at them. I plan on writing a scene every day to day and a half. I’ve got my developmental editor lined up and ready to follow behind me, scene by scene, to make sure they sound coherent. Then, after all the parts are complete, we’ll spend a week polishing things up before sending it off to the final editor. I still think November 15th is a good target for release!


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