15 Days to Launch

Latest book status is the manuscript is out of my hands. David, my editor is working on it over the next few days, and with any luck, I’ll get it back from him on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am not sure what to expect from him, and I am a bit nervous. I sent him the file on Friday without the prologue. I did that so if he had the opening early, he could roll on the main part of the book until I finished … Read more

Linear Shift Giveaway

In celebration of my Debut novel getting published, I am giving away 5 signed copies of the first edition.  Enter daily for better odds of winning! Also, add more chances by registering for my email newsletter HERE.  I’m giving an additional 5 copies to random subscribers! a Rafflecopter giveaway

18 Days to Launch

I finished the editing of chapters 1 thru 10 today and sent it to the editor. Man, I am nervous. I think it is OK, but Kyle really messed up my thinking today by asking me all sorts of questions about story context and how everything might not be as good as it seems. What if the editor does his thing, and I release it but everyone hates it? Will those that pledged feel ripped off? Will they ask for their money back? Will they … Read more

19 Days To Launch

My word count goal for part 1 was 11 to 12k words. Once I got the majority of the work done, I sent it over to a good friend of mine to do a thorough review. What I sent him was missing a few scenes that had been eluding me up to that point. Last night, I finally got one of those 2 scenes wrote. Word count on the batch I sent Kyle last week was 10,800. After editing and adjusting things over the last … Read more

The Writing Sickness, I think I’ve Got It

I think I found the need to write, around the time of my daughters birth. I started my first journal about a year after, in mid 1998. It was a simple composition book. I wrote my first short story, Amy, in September 1998. The story almost much wrote itself, and that’s when I realized that I wanted to be a writer. Since that short story, I have written numerous other short stories, and started many longer story ideas. I could fill several composition books with … Read more

Linear Shift Bookmarks

The bookmarks came!  I ordered them a few weeks back, shortly after the book cover was finalized, and I started the Kickstarter campaign.  They are going out as part of the rewards to the pledges.  I am also going to use them as a small marketing tool locally.  I’ll drop in to various coffee houses and small book stores and toss a handful up on their peg board.  I am also thinking about sending out signed bookmarks to anyone that sends in a S.A.S.E.  I … Read more

Linear Shift Book Covers

Jason Gurley is great!  Not only did he come up with a killer book cover for my debut book, but he did it quickly.  Here are the final covers. This first one is for the print book.  The one below will be used for the ebook. Now, for the rest of the series, Jason and I decided to keep the remaining 3 parts relatively simple in design.  All we did was adjusted the color scheme a bit, and renamed the part on the cover.  When … Read more

Linear Shift Cover

Here is what is going on the back cover of my upcoming book: No one said time travel would be easy. Peter Cooper, a widowed father of two whose life is crumbling around him—until a bizarre encounter with a desperate Army general launches him on a risky mission: to go back to 1942 and change a moment in time. The repercussions will almost certainly alter the conclusion of World War II. But will the ripple effects stop there? And what kind of life will Peter … Read more

Linear Shift, Part 1

After much deliberation from my home camp, I have finally settled on an actual title for my upcoming book! I think it says so many things about the books story line. It’s catchy – It’s sharp – It’s edgy. I like it! And even though I have hired a cover designer to do my actual book cover, I wanted to mess around a bit with my initial thoughts. Understand that I have spent a total of 30 minutes putting this together. I had the image … Read more

Editor, CHECK! Cover design, CHECK! Sort of…

It’s been a busy week on the book front! I have been writing on my story fairly regularly. Most of it has been re-writing, but I am adding a bit to the remaining scenes in Book 1. I will not make my goal of having my book ready to go to editing today, but will shoot for next Friday. I will, however, have the first 5 pages ready to go later today or first thing tomorrow. That is step one with my editor. Oh yeah. … Read more