Editor, CHECK! Cover design, CHECK! Sort of…

It’s been a busy week on the book front! I have been writing on my story fairly regularly. Most of it has been re-writing, but I am adding a bit to the remaining scenes in Book 1. I will not make my goal of having my book ready to go to editing today, but will shoot for next Friday. I will, however, have the first 5 pages ready to go later today or first thing tomorrow. That is step one with my editor.

Oh yeah. I have an editor! Well, sort of. I’ve been talking with her over the last few weeks, and her first step is to look at my first 5 pages, and then go from there. I’m kind of excited to get her going, but a bit nervous just the same. What if she tells me my work is horrible? Yuk! I do not want to think about that.

Also, I have found a guy to do my cover art! Well, sort of. Again. I found him just yesterday, and he does some great work! Really spectacular! I have asked for a price quote, and hopefully I can turn him loose next week! It would be great to have the cover ready to go, and keep it posted up on my office and online as a reminder what I am working towards. A bit of visual motivation is always good. I will Update when I know for sure that he is the guy.

Until then, I really need to to nail down the book title. I half landed on Operation Resurrection, but for some reason, it is not really “talking to me”. I need a title that really speaks out and says I AM THE BOOK TITLE!

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