Something to Read on the Ride: A Charity Anthology

Many many moons ago, I wrote a short story.  That was the beginning of my obsession with writing. The time saw winter of 1998, and my daughter was about a year and a half.  She was the inspiration behind my short story called Amy.  I wrote the 1,600 word piece on an afternoon, and felt pretty proud.  It wasn’t because I felt the story was top shelf stuff.  Heck no, it was my first real story that I completed.  Until then, I had started many … Read more

Tradecraft, Espionage Training, and Snippet from Scene 4

Last night, I was settled into my study to get a scene written for Part 2 of Linear Shift. I am so far behind on the writing, it’s not even funny. Anyway, the writing ‘du jure’ last night was for a scene where Peter has to sneak out to find Benny, who has been MIA since the end of Part 1. He has to sneak out, because he is now being watched by a security team to ensure his silence about the top secret mission. … Read more

Winners and other ramblings

First off, Congratulations to the winners of my book giveaway! The winners are: For the rafflecopter giveaway, Lisa A., Chris, Vivian S., Anthony M., and Elaine D. For the Newsletter subscriber giveaway, Wilson H., Coco C., Jack D., Donna G., and Christa P. As soon as I get mailing addresses from everyone, I will sign the books and drop them in the mail. I will try and be expeditious in this, but will most likely limit the trips to the post office to two or … Read more

Dared To Hope

I am just shy of a month into my career as a novelist, and I am full of emotions. I’m like the proverbial commonwealth character. Half happy, half sad. I am happy to have past this huge milestone in life. I’m Freakin’ published! Granted, it is self published, but I know that my stuff is WAY better than a lot of garbage out there that is self published. I have read many stories where they writer didn’t own the spell-check function or have any idea … Read more

Weekend Recap, and Some Good News

On Saturday, me and the family took in a show. It was Gravity, and we saw it in Imax. It was pretty darn good. Ok, ok. It was great! The cinematography was phenomenal. The acting, I thought, was pretty believable. It was an ‘edge of your seat’ movie, and I am certainly happy that we paid the extra to see in 3D. Totally worth it. On that note, when did movies get so damn expensive? For my family of 3 to go to the show, … Read more

What a Crazy Month!

Today is the last day of the month. It’s been a crazy month, to say the least. Here’s a quick recap: First, I celebrated the anniversary of my birth. Until them scientist can change how aging works, I gained a year in the age category. I have now been on this earth for 43 years. I can remember when I was young, around 11 or 12, that I so wanted to be my parents age. They would have made them 34 or 35 then. What … Read more

Linear Shift, Part 1 for Free!

I’m giving Linear Shift away! Well, for 3 days at least. Starting Friday (midnight Thursday Pacific time) Linear Shift, Part 1 will be free, for the ebook version. The FREE sale will last for 3 days, and expire on Sunday Midnight Pacific time. Please tell everyone you know that the ebook will be free and grab a copy! Also, there is still time to register for a free copy of the print version of the book. Just click HERE to register.

Linear Shift, Part 1 is live! I’m Published!

It’s official! I am a published author! I was able to hustle on the editing phase of the project and was able to publish the Kindle version on the 18th, and the CreatSpace version on the 20th. I would have never imagined I would actually come through ahead of schedule like this. My initial target date was today, which I randomly selected back in July. As the weeks flew by, and I was not moving along at the speed that I wish I was, I … Read more

14 Days to Launch – or is it?

On Sunday, I submitted my manuscript to my editor, David. He said he would be working on it through Tuesday or Wednesday. To my surprise, he actually finished it on Monday and sent it over. I saw the email come through just before we sat down for dinner. Horrible time to see the email, because all I could think about at the dinner table was scarfing down my meal just so I could go and get rolling on the editing. So, that is pretty much … Read more

Kickstarter for Linear Shift has Funded

What a wild 20 days! My kickstarter has funded, and I cannot be more grateful to everyone that pledged. When I first thought about doing the campaign, I envisioned a handful of people that I thought would be first up to pledge. A few of those did so, and you know who you are. Others that I thought would have pledged but didn’t, surprised me in other ways. Thank you to everyone. Then, there were the surprises. A number of you have pledged to my … Read more