Back to a Writing Goal

Over the years, I have had a great desire to write fiction.  I have started (and stopped) far too many stories to count, but never seem to follow through with them.  It’s not like I think they are garbage, well maybe some of them are garbage, but it’s just the want to write them to an end is never there.  I have decided it is time to stop with that and get something done! To start things off right, I have signed up for an … Read more

Getting back in the saddle

Yes, it has been a long time…  I have spent a ton of hours over the weekend, trying to get back into the mindset of blogging.  I used to have a ton of ideas floating around my head, enough for dozens of entries at any given time.  I just had to reach in and grab one to post.  Now, I still have those dozens (if not more) ideas floating around, but my internal editor dismisses them as garbage even before I can start to get … Read more