Back to a Writing Goal

Over the years, I have had a great desire to write fiction.  I have started (and stopped) far too many stories to count, but never seem to follow through with them.  It’s not like I think they are garbage, well maybe some of them are garbage, but it’s just the want to write them to an end is never there.  I have decided it is time to stop with that and get something done!

To start things off right, I have signed up for an online writing group.  It’s not really a “school” in the traditional sense, but more of a support group for fellow writers.  It’s called Writers Village, and I have taken one of their classes many years ago, and they seem to have a good following.  I figure, I will take a few 8 week classes to get my head back into the whole writing thing.  If the words flow well after that, then great!  If the work is only “sort of” coming, I might in fact sign up for a real writing class.

There are a number of them locally around here, or I might even look at an online writing class, where there are real instructors and everything.  I am just using WV as a spring board in a sense.  As of now, I have completed 2 exercises in each of the two classes I am taking.  They are obviously not graded, but I am getting supportive feedback.  I will finish these first 2 classes up and I have registered for a few more, but we’ll see how things are going when they start up.

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