
I painted the final X on the last door in town. The finality of the ordeal was real. Death was knocking and there was only myself on one other soul to answer. I tossed the can of high-vis orange to the curb, knowing well that nobody would care for the littering. Would anyone make it back? Only the scientists knew, and if we’d have listened to them earlier on, the approaching #solar flare could have been— What? Could it have been prevented? Probably not, but … Read more


The #infinity loop around my neck is not what you’d think. I wear it not because I am immortal. No, I wear it in honor of my late grandfather who was. His only problem was that he didn’t know that immortality had limitations. One can live forever, if blessed with the proper gene sequence. Unfortunately, an immortal such as granddad was susceptible to outside influence. Murder by any other name. I wear the familiar loop now in hopes that the still-at-large killer doesn’t get any … Read more


“The gap is too far.” “It’s not. Think about #bridging–” “I’ve tried! It’s too far!” He held her arm. “Breathe.” She did. “Conjoin it in your mind, the rest will come to pass.” She breathed again, forcing the connection. He and all her problems vanished before her eyes. #vss365

Flash Fiction for The One Minute Writer

This is my first ‘flash fiction’ ever!  It is for Friday’s writing prompt: Imagine there was another “gold rush” in America. What would it be like? Place yourself as an outsider watching from afar, on The One Minute Writer.   The man across the table was a codger with greying hair and side burns to match. His stern look said everything that it should about the time and life of his ancestors. He sat resolutely, as if waiting for purpose of life to be revealed presently. … Read more

The One Minute Writer

So, I was surfing the internet (is ‘surfing the net’ still a term being used?) today, when I come along a website for writing prompts.  It’s called The One Minute Writer, and each day there are new writing prompts posted, and there is a handy little timer on the site to track you writing time.  I gave today’s prompt a go, and I will certainly go back and add more time to the prompt, as one minute is just getting me warmed up! What are some … Read more