NaNoWriMo 2013

2013-Participant-Facebook-CoverOn the eve of Nanowrimo, and I have to admit I am in for some tough challenges in November.  First off, I am in the home stretch of writing Part 2 to Linear Shift.  It looks like I will be writing on the first draft through the weekend, and finishing up some revisions through Thursday.  Once it’s off to the editor, I will be free of it until December 1st.  But wait!

I mat be free from Part 2 on Thursday, but on Friday morning, the family is on a plane bright and early to jet-set off to New York for four days.  We’ll be back home late on the 11th.  I am going to start my NaNo writing then.

Who am I kidding?  I will most likely start tomorrow a.m., and write every day for the first week along side writing the final half dozen scenes for Linear Shift, Part 2.  I am dumb like that sometimes.

As for my NaNo novel, I am torn on which direction to go.  I was thinking about writing my Silo World story, originated by Hugh Howey.  I really have some good ideas for that one, and I think I could make good progress on it from the start.  My other option is to pick one of the stories from the smorgasbord of ideas I’ve recorded over the years.  I think I have a backlog of ideas 20 deep.  Seeing as Hugh has added me back as a writing buddy on NaNo, I may in fact pay homage to the master of his universe and go with the Silo story.  It’s going to be Out of This World!  well, actually, it will be Below This World!2013-Participant-Square-Button

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo 2013”

  1. It is comforting to see others still debating what direction to go, even now on the eve of November! I maintain hope that tomorrow morning will come with some sort of decisive clarity… Fingers crossed!

    • Yeah, I remain ambiguous on my direction until the clock is ticking almost every year. I really need to stop doing that. Good luck to you!


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