Nano Spotlight Interview

I gave an interview a few weeks ago regarding my participation in NaNoWriMo over the years.  It was quite fun, and it just posted on Chris Kelworth’s blog.  Be sure to check it out HERE!


LS2-cvr-medIn other news, I am currently writing the final scene for Linear Shift, Part 2.  It will be done this afternoon!  After that, I will continue on with preliminary editing, which I have six scenes complete. I need to get the remaining ten scenes wrapped and compiled to send out to the editor on Thursday night.  It will be tight, but I think I can do it!  Then we wait.  The editor will have if until November 30th, at which time, I will begin the final editing, and hopefully have a completed manuscript ready to publish by December 13th at the latest.  I’ll obviously keep everyone informed on the progress.

Speaking of Linear Shift, Part 2, I am thinking about running another Kickstarter campaign.  It will be just to cover final editing, but it might be fun to launch another campaign to hopefully draw a bit more awareness to the novel.  I’ve not decided for sure yet, but I’ll have most of November to get it up and circulated.

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