Current status

I have not forgot about you so soon, although it might look that way.  I have still been updating the POTD entries, but as for writing content, I have been focusing on my fitness blog.

One day last week, I blogged about platforms and blog content, and realized that I might be better off with a few specific blogs after all, and not include everything into one “department store” variety blogs.  So, I worked the last few days of last week creating a Fitness blog and loading a number of entries into it for my current beginners running program.  That entry was pretty successful on Pinterest, that it prompted an entire blog.  I officially launched that blog on Friday at 6:00 p.m. mountain time, and the results have so far been pretty good.  From the launch, I have almost 2,500 hits to the site.  The hits here have been up as well, but nothing comparative.  Most of those here are still residual from the initial Pinterest pin from last week.  I am going to continue to post over there as well as over here.  No fitness updates here, and no writing updates over there.  there will be links back and forth between them, but just from the about me pages.

beyond that update, I am contemplating yet another blog.  The new one will be about our basement finish.  I think it can develop into more than just a recap of our basement finish, but more into a basement finish solutions blog.  I am not sure i will have time to get it complete before our vacation, but maybe once we get back it can go live.

So, yeah, we are going on vacation on Wednesday!  Flying off to Phoenix first, then driving down to Mexico the next day.  Four days down there, and then back to Phoenix for a few then flying home.  It will be nice getting some beach time in.

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