July in Review

Is it August 1st already?  Where did the month go?  It feels like we were celebrating the 4th just yesterday. With a new month knocking on the door, I figured I would give a quick update on my writing.  Last I posted, I set a goal to have part 1 of my current project published by my 43rd birthday on September 21st.  I was shooting to get all the writing done by August 1st, and then turn it over to an editor.   Well, I … Read more

Setting Goals, Kicking Ass and Taking Names

I have been reading a lot on the success of some authors as of late. It really is inspiring to see how well some people have done, merely by sharing their words. As I have stated many times here and elsewhere, I have a huge desire to be published. Reading all those success stories does a few things for me. It tells me that if they can do it, I can do it. It also tells me that I might not be good enough, or … Read more

Simply Write and Write Well.

Time flies when you are having fun! Ok, maybe not, but the time certainly has gone by since my last post here. It’s partly because work has been busy, as well as an extended vacation at the end of June. Either way, I am her to right the ship, so to speak. Even though I have been a bit of a ghost on Paul-Kohler.net, I have been active. Very active actually. I just tallied up my first 6 months of writing this year, and they … Read more

Ten Minute Fiction.com is now Live!

After almost 2 weeks of layout adjusting and tweaking, I am now ready to introduce my latest blog project.  It’s not really a “blog”, but a site where anyone can drop in and write some Ten Minute Fiction, on the daily provided writing prompts.  I’ve been to a few of these kind of sites, and I think I took the best of each of them.  Now, I offer you all Ten Minute Fiction. Please share with all your friends.  Shout from the mountain tops if … Read more

Varying cost of editors and such

Small update on my novel progress. Not much to update. I actually haven’t written a word for some time. I have added/adjusted all the scenes in part 1, and I am happy to say it will flow much better now. I was really having trouble getting my mind around things in the early part of the story. All worked out now! As I get even remotely closer to wrapping up the initial writing for part 1, I have started looking at editors. Having no other … Read more

A Novel Breakthrough

I really did want to keep writing yesterday, but there is not enough time in the days. I really cannot believe that I wasted 18 months of being unemployed without really pushing the writing thing. What the hell was I thinking? I would SO love to have those 18 months right now, and I would seriously make a push for getting my books (YES PLURAL) published. I want to write on each and every one of the tales I have to tell, but I know … Read more

CampNaNoWriMo is a go!

I had quite the revelation last night. For the last few weeks, ever since I had decided to write in the CampNaNoWriMo in April, I have been struggling with a huge problem. Which of my many story ideas to write on? I have a number of them, and although I will write each and every one of them, I could not decide which of them to roll with this April. Should it be the one in the bomb shelter? Should it be the one where … Read more

Life Interrupted

Why do I do this to myself? I load my life up with so much “stuff” and I wonder why I never have any time for myself… So, CampNaNoWriMo starts tomorrow, and I haven’t the foggiest idea what I am going to write about. I have a ton of story ideas to rol with, but not a single one of them are jumping out at me, saying “WRITE ME!”. I have a few that do keep coming into my mind, but they both need so … Read more

New Self Interview Trick

Today, I found a new trick to use with my writing. First, let me back up and ‘splain a bit. With my decision yesterday, to write in the CampNaNoWriMo next month, I have decided to write for 30 minutes daily, non-stop. Certainly, I don’t mean my fingers are hitting keys at every second of the 30 minutes, but for 30 minutes, I have an appointment with myself and the keyboard. No phone calls. No internet or emails. No conversations. Nothing. In those 30 minutes, I … Read more