July in Review

Is it August 1st already?  Where did the month go?  It feels like we were celebrating the 4th just yesterday.

With a new month knocking on the door, I figured I would give a quick update on my writing.  Last I posted, I set a goal to have part 1 of my current project published by my 43rd birthday on September 21st.  I was shooting to get all the writing done by August 1st, and then turn it over to an editor.   Well, I did get some writing done throughout the month of July, but I am no where close to getting it to an editor.  If the world turned in an advantageous fashion for me, I could have the manuscript to a point that I could get it to an editor in a week.  Say, Friday, August 9th.  If they have it for a week, I could get it back by August 16th and make some changes.  Give me the weekend to get that straight.  I could shoot to get it to beta readers on August 19th.  It should be a short enough read to hopefully get feedback back by August 26th.  I could then do any rewrites and adjustments before doing a final edit look over.  If I could get it back to my editor on September 2nd, I could hopefully get something back by September 9th.  Give me a week to make any adjustments and another week to finalize a cover.  That would make my deadline date at September 23rd.

Only a few days past my birthday.  I think I could shave a few days off here and there.  It looks like I will have a busy August and September!

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