Free Fiction Monday: The Hunted Assassin-Excerpt

the hunted assassin; paul b kohler; science fiction; sci-fi; thriller; spi-fi; jason bourne; hunted assassin; near-future; outer space; space station; taloo station; space battle; cartel; drug cartel; human trafficing; kidnap; kidnapping; assassin; special ops; black ops; space ship; moon landing; moon base; luna city;

I wrote The Hunted Assassin a few years ago and submitted to the now defunct Kindle Scout. Although it was well received, it was not selected in the end. With the rejection letter in hand, I had the manuscript edited, and about a month later I published it on my own. Since its publication, I’ve worked up outlines for two sequels for Jaxon Rasner, with many more possible in his near-future world. Here’s the book description: His name is an alias. His pretense is a disguise.  … Read more

Kindle Scout and Beyond!

Wow, where has the time gone. My last entry here was at the end of August last year. I had just begun the seven episode publishing adventure for Borrowed Souls. I had full intentions of updating every two or three weeks through that process, but something didn’t quite work out. I know exactly what it was, and it was myself and my overindulgent publication schedule. My self-imposed deadline timetable dictated that I stay on a pretty rigorous three-week schedule for writing and editing each of … Read more