Free Fiction Monday: Gateway

gateway, alteruvium expance, sci-fi, short story

Robert Paulson and Paul Robertson have real a problem. Each of them have suffered physical or mental injuries, causing moderate cases of amnesia. Hypnosis and other experimental devices are employed—with varying levels of effectiveness—in restoring their memories. As their past and present lives are revealed, it becomes alarmingly clear that they each think they’re in the wrong person’s body. In the end, only one can exist. Gateway was originally written to be part of a multi-author anthology, with each contributing tale worthy of being read … Read more

Free Fiction Monday: Perplexia

Free Fiction Monday: Perplexia

Who is Evan Mitchell? Is he a doctor, or a mechanic? An author or a cruise director? A terrorist or a thief? Your guess is as good as his.  His mind bending adventure begins when he materializes in a most unusual place with no idea how he got there. His identity is a mystery, and besides the need to discover his very existence, there’s nothing that he wants more than to break free from his unforced confinement. His only obstacle: fear of the unknown … and his lack of clothing. Perplexia is a … Read more

Free Fiction Monday: Amy

free fiction monday: Amy

A toddler’s independent adventure leads to a tragic and unexpected end. Amy was my first trip into fiction writing, and it sat untouched for nearly 15 years before I dusted it off, gave it a quick polish and submitted it to be included in Something to Read on the Ride : A Charity Anthology (out of print). Later, I included it in my own short story anthology, which is still in print. This short story is offered free on this website for one week only. … Read more