Free Fiction Monday: Perplexia

ႎ Perplexia is s short story of around 40 pages that I started several years ago but got sidetracked with other projects. I dusted it off and finished it up. It’s a stand-alone story but is currently being rewritten into a full-length novel, which will kick-off a brand new series! Who is Evan Mitchell? Is he a doctor, or a mechanic? An author or a cruise director? A terrorist or a thief? Your guess is as good as his. His mind bending adventure begins when … Read more

Free Fiction Monday: Perplexia

Free Fiction Monday: Perplexia

Who is Evan Mitchell? Is he a doctor, or a mechanic? An author or a cruise director? A terrorist or a thief? Your guess is as good as his.  His mind bending adventure begins when he materializes in a most unusual place with no idea how he got there. His identity is a mystery, and besides the need to discover his very existence, there’s nothing that he wants more than to break free from his unforced confinement. His only obstacle: fear of the unknown … and his lack of clothing. Perplexia is a … Read more