I wish I had the profound answer to that questions, but unfortunately, I do not. I suppose being on this site (or on the internet) in it’s self is a partial cure. I know the internet is a bit of a remedy for my occasional boredom.
I have been wanting to recapture the creative spirit in blogging that I once had many years ago, and I seem to continually over-think every single idea that comes to mind. I think about writing a movie review, and as I run through how I would word it, the other half of my mind was say “That’s already been done” and I drop the thought. I think about posting a new recipe that I have developed, and again, the other half of my mind says “Don’t give up that recipe just yet. Keep it to yourself a bit longer” and I drop the thought. It seems like every single idea I come up with, and my minds other half dismisses it before I can ever make any ground on it. Damn you, you stupid internal editor!
I am making a bit more headway on my new blog project, UrbanCastle.net. I just need to get through a bit more “mapping” and I will be good to go. I am shooting for a launch of October 1st, and I also plan on launching the new Design By Kohler website at the same time. That site is 95% complete and I just need to get a bit more verbiage put in place first.
On the writing front, I am looking forward to getting into NaNoWriMo again this year. I completed 50,000 words for the first time last year and I hope to do it again this year, but with much more direction. Towards the end last year, I seriously crapped out, and just got words on the page to hit my goal. This year, I plan on taking it a bit more seriously. I think my daughter is also planning on giving it a go. Kind of exciting for her! This will be her 1st year, and my 10th. I’m excited myself!
Speaking of writing, I submitted a story to a new website called JukePopSerials, but was unfortunately rejected. I’m not beating myself up too much about it though, as I know they were bombarded with submissions as it is a new site. I will submit another few stories that might woo them into an acceptance! Let’s hope at least!