Free Ebook with every print book purchase

Today, I’ve made a big move on all of my print and ebook combinations. From the very beginning of my self-publishing journey, I’ve taken advantage of the “Match Book” feature on Amazon. If you are unfamiliar with the program, it’s like this: If you buy a print book on Amazon, you can get an ebook copy of the book for a discounted rate. Until today, I have typically reduced the cost of the ebook by around 50% of the retail price of the individual ebook. … Read more

Silo Saga: Recoil Cover Release

After what seems like forever, I am finally on the homestretch of Silo Saga: Recoil. If you’re not familiar with Silo Saga part, it is a Kindle World, set up in Hugh Howey’s world of Wool. My story takes place after his best selling novel Wool, but before his final book in the series, Dust, takes place. The current status of the book, is I’m a little more than half way through the rewrite. After that, I ship it to my editor and let her … Read more

Three Days Left for the Linear Shift Giveaway

 Well, It’s time again for another giveaway!  Linear Shift, Part 2 is due to be released on December 24th, and I am going to be giving away 5 signed copies! Register now for your chance to win one of them. In addition to the 5 signed copies of Linear Shift, Part 2, 1 person person will also win a signed copy of Linear Shift, Part 1 as well! There are multiple chances to win in various categories below. Good luck!     Entry-Form

Linear Shift, Part 2 Giveaway!

 Well, It’s time again for another giveaway!  Linear Shift, Part 2 is due to be released on December 24th, and I am going to be giving away 5 signed copies! Register now for your chance to win one of them. In addition to the 5 signed copies of Linear Shift, Part 2, I person person will also win a signed copy of Linear Shift, Part 1 as well! There are multiple chances to win in various categories below. Good luck!     Entry-Form