Summer 2014 Anthology

Even though I have yet to complete June’s free short story, I went ahead and created the cover for the Summer 2014 Anthology. I wasn’t going to do anything with it until later next week, but there was a spot available to promote the book with a few other Indie Authors, so I moved it to the front of the line.


I had originally subtitled it Volume I but changed it today to Summer 2014. I plan on releasing another half year anthology in December, and then combining all 12 from 2014 and include a few extra bonuses and publish a real Volume I in January. I then plan on doing the same next year if I can keep up with writing both short work and novels at the same time.

Now that this cover is out, I’m back to June’s short story. I’ve got everything inline and just need to fill in the blanks. Oh, and come up with a good title and cover! My June newsletter may in fact come a few days late, and slide into July. Then I need to work on something for July’s short story, but I’ve got a few ideas already for that one!

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