My Three Year Publishing Anniversary

Today is a special day. Three years ago, today, I published my first book. It was Linear Shift, Part 1, and although it was a short start to the overall novel, it was motivation enough for me to keep going.

Now, today, I have a total of 18 independently published books and am included in 5 anthologies. One of which is an amazon #1 Best Seller. And if I have me way, the next three years will be even more impressive!

So, without further ado, please celebrate with me. For today, September 20th, and tomorrow, September 21st, nearly ALL of my books will be free or specially priced. The two or three that are regular priced are out of my control to change and I apologize. Grab them now if you haven’t already. Let all your friends know, because FREE is a pretty good price to discover a potential new author for them. Just click on the images below and you’ll be swept off to the Amazon page to take advantage of the special.

And why does the special run onto tomorrow as well, you ask? Well, Tomorrow is my birthday, and why not extend the celebration over to tomorrow as well? Right?!? I only turn a year older … well, once a year, I guess. But still. Celebrate!

FREE Books!


Books on Special!

BS-O-FullThe Hunted Assassin

Books that I couldn’t put on sale. Sorry about that.


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