Momentous Day

Yesterday was quite a monumental day for me. First off, I published my fourth title since starting this crazy journey in September of last year. Silo Saga: Recoil released a day early, and has already moved up to #25 in all Kindle Worlds titles. Secondly, my fourth short story published yesterday in another charity anthology. ‘Alone’ Was written a few years ago, and I dug it out and polished it up for submission in January. It was accepted and now it’s live.

Something else happened yesterday. Last night, I crossed over the 50,000 words written in a month. It was 50,331 to be precise. I’ve done that only once before, and it was back in 2011 when I participated in NaNoWriMo. That year, the writing was scattered and nearly uncomprehensive. This time, I was able to put the writing toward, not one, but two published works in a month, as well as foundation work for Linear Shift, Part 3. I can tell I have grown by leaps and bounds since November of 2011.

Although I feel I am being very prolific with my writing, and I certainly am passionate about everything I am doing, I feel it is all practice for something yet to come. I think my best work lies somewhere beyond where I am at right now. I sometimes wonder what that magical work will be. Even now, as I write through Linear Shift, Part 3, I can feel my mind scanning through the internal file cabinet in my head, looking for the story. I have some ideas what it might be, but I also think I need to run a few more practice stories out before I plunge into the truly epic story ideas I have.

Seeing as today marks the 25% point of the year, I think I will briefly touch base on my writing goals for the year. On January 1st, I set my writing goals for all to see. My first goal was to write and publish 4 books this year. I am halfway to that goal at the 25% mark. In theory, I should be able to double that goal if I keep at my current pace. In a perfect world, I would do just that. But, in the grand scheme of things, I will probably end up with 6 published titles by the end of the year. The next two titles are already set and they will be Linear Shift, Parts 3 and 4. My goal right now is to have Part 3 out by the middle of May, and part 4 out by the end of July. I would like to get Part 4 out sooner, but with a summer vacation right between Part 3’s release and my projected Part 4 release, it’s not going to happen. That will leave me with 5 months to push out two additional titles be December 31st. I have a suspicion that the next part of Borrowed Souls will follow, and then Part 2 of Recoil. And depending on how sales flow on everything,I might throw one of those two up between Linear Shift 3 and Linear Shift 4.

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