Creating Your Very Own Shit List

I think I’ve finally found the magic to writing. Organization! That’s right. I seem to work so much better when I have a schedule – a list – a tangible target.

Daily-Shit-ListA few months back, I created the Shit List. I was online, looking for a daily to-do list that I could print out and keep in plain sight of my desk. I found a few that “sort of” fit the bill, but none were perfect. So, I decided to create my own. I found some humor in the fact that I call it my Shit List, so in turn, I added that to my personalized daily task list.


After several weeks of using it at work, I became much more productive. So much in fact, that I started using it at home, on my writing cave. I now use this sheet for each of my writing projects. Instead of filling in the date, I simply enter the story title, and utilize it to keep my story on track. I might modify it at some point, to be more “writing” specific, but for now – it works!

Feel free to download a PDF of the Shit List for yourself. You can thank me later. Get The File HERE!

1 thought on “Creating Your Very Own Shit List”

  1. Haha…. I like this actually. I’ve been looking for ways to squeeze more writing in around grad school. I used to have a lot of luck with lists, but somehow let that habit lapse. I think….. it backfired, sometimes, if I didn’t finish everything? Like I felt worse looking at a list of things I didn’t accomplish, so I just stopped writing them when things got tough. Maybe I’ll give it another try with the Shit List!


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