Amy Book Cover

Amy-1It’s been a bit since I posted something here.  That is by design, you see.  I have been working on another story, and I have given myself a deadline of the end of the month to get the first draft complete.  It’s running long, so I may have to extend it a bit.  I was initially shooting for 18,000 words, and have increased that to 20,000.  Now, I am just about through the first two scenes, (which I combined into one) and I am going to end up around 5,000 words.  I still have another 13 or 14 scenes planned, so I may end up rethinking a few parts.

Anyway, I am trying to stay as focused on the story as possible. I wrote well this a.m., so I took the afternoon off from writing to play a bit with Photoshop and cover designs.  I created a cover for the first story I ever wrote.  The story is titled Amy, and I wrote it shortly after my daughter was born. It sat for nearly 15 years before I did anything with it.  It has been edited and included in an anthology that was published back in September.  I wanted to create a cover for the story, as I am planning on including it in my January Newsletter.  If you would like to read it later this week, be sure to be on my Newsletter Email List.  Just click the linky thing and you will be in the know.

As for my other writings, I am going to be getting back to Linear Shift after I get the first Silo story part out in February.  I have been thinking a lot of the story line, and although I have it mostly planned out, I have been tweaking some things along the way.  Part 3 will hopefully improve the already great story line.

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