Pre-Order Linear Shift, Part 3 Now – and some other stuff too

Holy cow, it’s been a while since I posted on my blog! I’ve been fastidiously pounding away at the keyboard on Linear Shift, Part 3. I am SO CLOSE to sending it off for final editing, it’s crazy. Just a few more weeks, and it’s out of my hands … at least for a little while.

So, in preparation ( or celebration, if you’d like to look at it in a different light ), I have created a pre-order page on Amazon for the third installment. I am going to offer Linear Shift, Part 3 for $2.99 once published. For the pre-order period, Part 3 can be had for $1.99. It’s obviously not an enormous savings, but it’s 33%, and that’s pretty good! Also, here’s the cover reveal for Part 3.


On other things writing, I am about to surpass my initial writing goal for the year. I have several actually, and this one will come to pass one day next week! I set the goal to write 300,000 words, in either my journal on on one of my stories, by the end of the year. As of last night, I am at 296,627 words. If this weekend goes as planned ( I’m planning on finishing the final chapter of Linear Shift, Part 3! ), I should hit my goal on Monday! Can I get a Hell Yeah? My next goal will be hitting double my word count from 2013, which was 175,963. At my average daily word count to date ( for which I have not missed a writing day all year! ) of 1,163, I should hit around the end of October. My last word count goal for the year is to hit 1,000 words a day, all year. Obviously, I’ve feel short on hitting that EVERY day, but as the average goes, I’m on track to beat that. I should end up around 425,000 words by December 31st.

OK, now back to some real writing. So close … So close…

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