
Perplexia-1No, it’s not a pill you take. It’s August’s FREE Short Story! Well, it’s FREE to those that are Subscribed to my Newsletter. Are you?

Perplexia was something that I started writing many years ago but never finished. I remedied that through July and August, and now, it’s ready for some readers eyes. Here is the cover and short synopsis:

Lost and disoriented, a man with questionable origins finds himself trapped in a most unusual place, and in an even more peculiar way. His identity is a mystery, and besides the need to discover his very existence, there’s nothing that he wants more than to break free from his unforced confinement. His only obstacle: fear of the unknown … and his lack of clothing.

If you all remember, back in 2014, I was writing and sharing new short stories with every monthly Newsletter. In continued that on until early 2015 when I decided to put them on hold so that I could finish up Linear Shift. I ended up leaving it on hold from March of 2015 until now. In that time, I was able to write and publish the conclusion to Linear Shift, as well as The Borrowed Souls and The Hunted Assassin.

Now, as I am about to gear up for a four-month writing adventure on Shifted Realities (the first of two sequels to Linear Shift), I’ve decided to resurrect the short stories for the months of August, September, October, and November. Then, I’ll combine those four stories, along with the two that I wrote in 2015 that have not been published yet, and publish a brand new Anthology of Short Stories for the Winter of 2016. It’s going to be glorious!

Three of the six short stories are already written, and two of the other three are started but not finished. The final story to be included is still a mystery to me. Maybe I’ll write a mystery!

Anyway, be sure to stay subscribed to the Newsletter through the end of the year, or Get Subscribed if you haven’t already. It’s free and painless, and you get a free ebook when you signup. I promise not to spam you. Pinky-swear, promise.

Lastly, feel free to share your reviews here if you’ve read it. Seeing as this won’t be available on Amazon until late December, it would be good to let new readers what to expect.


Thanks for all you do, readers! You make all the magic possible.

1 thought on “Perplexia”

  1. I just finished reading your Perplexia short story. I have to say that I did enjoy it even if it was on the weird side. I will have to read it again to get better grasp of it I think, as Ido enjoy your books.



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