November FREE Short Story

tilted-fullToday is the last Friday of the month. What makes this Friday so special is that the last (for the year) of the FREE short stories has just gone out to my Readers Group! This blog post will be the companion for that short story in case anyone would like to leave a review of the story.

This month’s story is titled: Tilted, and is a self-narration from the protagonist/hero, as he copes with too much shit on a stick, as he would say. Here’s the blurb:

A self-proclaimed geek—with a penchant for cheerleaders—struggles through a particularly unpleasant day, filled with one misfortune after another. After narrowly avoiding expulsion, Chester skips school and takes refuge at a local arcade. As he tries to mentally bolster his collapsing disposition, the pixelated spaceships take more than just his last game life. Filled with despair, he returns to the scene of the early morning incident in an effort to right his wrongs.

antho2That story will finish off the inclusions into my latest publication: An Anthology of Short Stories: Winter 2016, which just went on pre-order over at Amazon. The anthology includes the last six short stories that I’d been sending out to my newsletter, as well as the first Borrowed Souls book, titled: The Soul Collector. Trying not to toot my own horn, here, but these short stories have been some of my best writing. I am beyond excited to hear what everyone thinks about them. And if you’ve been reading those stories from month to month, you’ll soon be able to post your thoughts and reviews on Amazon shortly. Just as soon as the print book goes live, you’ll be able to do so. Or, you can wait until the ebook goes live on December 27th. Either way, I hope you will share your thoughts with everyone else.

Lastly, there will be another blog post coming up on Monday. It’ll be a HUGE ‘cyber’ post, if you catch my drift.

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