Here we are, venturing into the next decade, and I, for one, am quite ready.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
As you may recall, my writing life got tossed upside down when my family and I moved from Colorado to Arizona in mid-2018. Well, we’ve made another move mid-year of 2019, and so, my writing had continued to be put on hold. When we first moved to AZ, we rented a house in a part of the Phoenix metro area that we thought we’d like to plant some roots. Well, the feeling was right and we bought our new home in July. After a bit of a remodel we finally moved in mid-September and spent the remaining part of the year settling in.
Now, it’s a brand new year, a brand new decade, and I’m raring to get back at it! I have a number of projects in the works, and I’m excited to get back to writing/publishing regularly. But, because it’s been so long since I wrote anything substantial, I’m going to work through a handful of new short stories to knock the dust off of those neglected writing muscles. Clear out those cobwebs and get right with the world once again. Then, I’m going to finish up the last novel I was working on (The Crystal Medallion) before I get back into the world of Linear Shift. I have two (at the moment) sequels planned for that series, along with a brand new series that I’m really excited about.
Starting on Monday, January 13th, I’ll be resuming with the posting of a free short story each week. I’ll send out a newsletter each Monday to announce what story is being shared, along with an update about my other writing projects progression.
I wish everyone a strong and prosperous New Year!