Camp NaNoWriMo

2013-Participant-Facebook-CoverI have decided to give CampNaNoWriMo a go this year.  I have participated in NaNoWriMo every year since 2002, and often wished it was multiple times a year, as opposed to just November.  Camp NaNo is basically the same thing, but without all the whoopla.  The plus with Camp NaNo is that fact that you can customize your word count goal.  It’s not like 50,000 words is horribly tough to hit, but something a bit less would make success much easier to hit.  In all the years of doing NaNo, I only finished once, and that was in 2011.  I am not sure if it was the word count goal of 50,000 words or if it was just feeling burned out.  Anyway, I am shooting to hit 25,000 words of my next project.  That way, if I hit it, I will feel like a winner!  It’s a win-win!


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